Stewart, What does rebounding water use look like? an examination of post-drought and post-flood water end-use demand in Queensland, Australia, Water Sci. Technol. Water Supply, 14 (2014) 561-568.Beal, C., Makki, A., Stewart, R.A., 2014. What does rebounding water use look like?
Driv ing throug hflo ode d a r e as is gen er al ly n ot a g ood i de a, bu tify o urea ll y have to d o it, try t o meas ure j ust h ow de ep t he floo d i s. If th e flood is less than si x i nches in hei ght, then you can p robably drive ...
, and then they were modelled based on LiDAR metrics (estimated HCBi—HCBE-i). These thresholds, measured and estimated HCBi per plot, were used as point cloud filters to estimate understorey parameters directly on the point cloud located under the canopy layer. In this way, it was ...
questions of this study (mentioned in Section 1.4), we conducted an analysis over different pressure belts and six continental-scale regions, namely North America (NAM), Europe (EUR), Asia (AS), South America (SAM), Africa (AFR), and Australia (AUS), as shown in the top panel of ...