First off, to be able to celebrate Armed Forces Day in the Lone Star State one must know the history of how it came about. It was August 31st, 1949 when the Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of a new holiday Armed Forces Day. ...
There is a single medallion that is awarded to all units of the Coast Guard. This medallion boasts an elaborate design that features a nautical theme. It is presented to men and women who have completed their training to mark this important phase. ...
Armed Forces Day (Third Saturday in May):Celebrates all branches of the U.S. military –Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.It’s a day for citizens to show their appreciation for the men and women currently serving. ...
When I lived in Fort Worth I learned it was known as "Cowtown" because of the Fort Worth Stockyards, which were actual working stockyards back in the early '70s. These are the Top Fives Largest Cities in Texas and what they're known for. Houston: Is known as "Space City," because...
Today these parks are located throughout the country in 25 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The land encompassing them was either purchased or donated, though much of it had been inhabited by native people for thousands of years before the founding of the United States. These areas are ...
Park Forest Villagewas the first large suburb near State College, home to Pennsylvania State University. Begun in 1956 and continuing to grow into the 1990s, it won awards for its move away from a grid, its attention to preserving trees, and its development of parks. There are sidewalks thro...