UI/UX designerJunghas created three simple pages on his UX portfolio (Work, About, and CV) which visitors can easily navigate through in the upper right corner menu. When landing on this site, viewers are initially taken to Jung’s Work page, which also acts as the site’s homepage. ...
The final drama was drawing near. The disciples went to the upper room where they would have the Passover meal and Jesus would teach them about things to come. Jesus “knew that the hour had come.” He knew “the Father had put all things under his power” and he was returning to Go...
February 26, 2025 | 277911 view(s) | 144 people thought this was helpful View change log Subscribe What's new in Control Hub We want to make sure that you know about the major updates made available in Control Hub—updates to the interface, new functionality for Webex services, and ways...
“For example, I was selling a property in New York City with multiple steps to get up to the lobby and that alone was an understandable deterrent for some,” Neulist says. She recommends envisioning what your life might look like from day-to-day now and in the future befor...
Edmund Spenser’s epicThe Faerie Queene, written in the 1500s, is an early predecessor of many modern fantasy works. This is a multilayered story from classical literature with both historical and conceptual allegory—the title character, the Faerie Queene, was written to represent Queen Elizabeth...
Many believe that life is the result of some vital principle. Rule To be a preeminent or dominant factor in "It was a place where ... middle-class life was ruled by a hankering for all things foreign" (Amitav Ghosh). Principle A source, or origin; that from which anything proceeds; ...
Network data was then collected as the apps were opened. This network activity denotes the use of a particular app. However, due to encryption only limited information is available in the form of side-channels. Interpretations of frame size and interarrival time characteristics were used to create...
progressive in Bentham's time. By then, it was commonly accepted that some lives and some people's happiness were simply more important and valuable than others. Betham's principle of equality makes the government responsible for creating policies that would benefit all equally, not just the ...
The Dreamtime has four parts: The beginning of everything; the life and power of the ancestors; the way of life and death; and power in life. Dreamtime was all four of these things at the same time because it is more powerful than time and space. There is a lot more to explore ...
from the hands of the wicked. 14Cursed be the day I was born! May the day my mother bore me not be blessed! 15Cursed be the man who brought my father the news, who made him very glad, saying, “A child is born to you—a son!” ...