The Treaty of Tordesillas was a decision made by the Catholic Church in 1494 that split the world as it was known to Europeans between two nations,... Learn more about this topic: European Exploration in India & Southeast Asia from
What did the Treaty of Paris of 1815 do? What did the Treaty of Ghent establish? What does Article 1 of the Treaty of Paris do? What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? What was the Treaty of 1818? What did the Treaty of Paris of January 1973 stipulate?
7.Half of the "New World" once belonged to Portugal - In 1494, the Treaty of Tordesillas was signed which essentially gave Portugal the eastern half of the "New Word", including Brazil, Africa, and Asia. The Portuguese Empire was actually the first global empire in history and one of the...
Which country gained the most from the Treaty of Tordesillas? Who crashed the Charlottetown Conference? Who signed the Treaty of 1818? Who discovered La Martinique? Who died in Pompeii? What were the three ships that landed in Jamestown?
Chile is a country located along the western coast of South America. It is one of the narrower countries of the world, being about 2,653 miles long but only about 110 miles wide (as an average). Answer and Explanation: Chile, like most of Latin America, was founded as a colony of th...
What major alliance changed the Diplomatic Revolution of 1756? What were the terms of the Treaty of Tordesillas? What was the Monroe Doctrine? Describe the Panama Canal Treaty What is a flotilla? What were the motives for imperialism?
What event led to the Treaty of Tordesillas? What is the history of Apartheid in South Africa? What factors encouraged Spanish success in what is modern-day Peru? What is the history between the term Hispanic and Latino? What is a brief history of Delaware?
What was the Spanish-American War? What was the War of 1812? What was the Cayuse War? What was the Somali Civil War about? What was the Boshin War? What were the Anglo-Powhatan Wars? What were the American-Indian Wars? What war was ended with the Treaty of Tordesillas? What wars was...
What did the Treaty of Ghent accomplish? What was the purpose of Numbered Treaties? What was the point of the Treaty of Berlin? What was the purpose of the Treaty of Paris 1898? What was the purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas? What did the Treaty of Shimonoseki do? What was the Trea...
What nations signed the Treaty of Tordesillas? What Treaty of Paris did Ben Franklin sign? What was the outcome of the Treaty of Paris 1856? The Treaty of Versailles gave German territory to which countries? What treaty gave the U.S. the Louisiana Purchase?