What was the Treaty of Verdun? What officially ended WW1? What is the history of World War I? What event ended WW2? Which Yalta Conference agreement was never fulfilled? What territories did Germany lose due to the Treaty of Versailles?
What was the bloodiest war in U.S. history? Who was the cause of the War Powers Act? What event brought the United States into World War II? What event ended WW2? What was the peace treaty that ended WWII? What legacies of WWI created the conditions that made WWII conceivable?
The Treaty of Versailles established Gdańsk (Danzig) as a free city under the protection of the League of Nations. This solution was meant to guarantee that neither German nor Polish demands could provoke new conflicts. ... This solution aimed to guarantee that neither German nor Polish demands...
What were war bonds during WW2? World War II: The financial cost of the Second World War was staggering. In the United States alone, it is estimated that the country spent about $341 billion dollars on the war effort. The government struggled to find ways to raise the necessary capital. ...
ever watched, including close runners-upHomicide: Life on the StreetandStar Trek: The Next Generation. There's a poignancy in seeing the characters head into their respective final chapters, their fates probably forever being sealed, as there will be noDS9feature film as was the case with...
Bayshore Boulevard was a brick street that terminated at the base boundary, where motorists sometimes got stuck in the sand at the end. The best highway to the MacDill field was an extension of Vera Avenue, which became Dale Mabry Road. Dale Mabry Highway was built along Vera Ave which...
This asserts that the US and N. Korea are engaged in a ideological conflict, although one between market theory and N. Korea's Juche doctrine rather than capitalism and communism as it was in the Cold War. As China, and nearly every other country in the world for that ma...
The war proved to be very successful for England, in no small part due to their victories in North America. The Treaty of Paris ended the war and boosted the British to prominence in Europe. Many historians consider the Seven Years' War to be the first true World War....
Who was involved in the Treaty of Nanking? What is the Treaty of Nanjing? What was the treaty which ended the Sino-Japanese War? What was the Treaty of Nanjing known as? What did the Treaty of Nanjing state? Where was the Treaty of Nanking signed?
The First Sino-Japanese War was fought between 1894 and 1895 between the Empire of Japan and the Qing Dynasty, which ruled China at that time. The Second Sino-Japanese War was fought between the Empire of Japan and the Republic of China, which had replaced the Qing as the government of ...