When my wife I started to feed our first child solid food, we learned that she loved to mimic us. If we drank out of cup, she watchds with mouth hanging open and eyes wide, and if we gave her a cup—even if it was empty—she would put it to her mouth and tip it back. When...
800 years. It was surpassed by the Lincoln Cathedral only in the year 1300. It isn’t simply the height that the ancient Egyptians achieved which made the pyramid such a marvel, but also its engineering dexterity. The engineering precision that the ancient Egyptians implemented is incredible. Th...
His parables were subversive to the politics and religion of Judaism. This is one of the reasons Jesus didn’t want everyone to understand what He was saying. If people among the Jewish political and religious ruling class understood what Jesus was saying, they would have crucified Him much so...
Hephaestus was the only ugly god among perfectly beautiful immortals. Hephaestus was born deformed and was cast out of heaven by one or both of his parents when they noticed that he was imperfect. He was the workman of the immortals: he made their dwellings, furnishings, and weapons. Who wo...
AboutthisBook AncientWorldWonders Thesevenwondersoftheancientworldhavedazzledpeoplewiththeirbeauty,size, andsheermagnificence.Majesticpyramids,grandmonuments,andtoweringstatues areamongthemanywonderstohavegracedthelist.TheseincludethePyramidsof Giza,theHangingGardensofBabylon,theTempleofArtemis,theStatueofZeus,the Mau...
When a pharaoh was crowned, it was considered the “birth day” of them becoming a god. The coronation was celebrated with festive food and drink. A special cookie known as Khak was made with butter, honey, flour, milk and warm spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. The general population ...
DoyouknowTheSevenWondersoftheAncientWorld?Whatdoyouknowaboutthem?GreatPyramidofGiza埃及吉萨/胡夫金字塔 Dateofconstruction:2584-2561BC Builder:Egyptians HangingGardensofBabylon巴比伦空中花园Dateofconstruction:600BCBuilder:BabyloniansCauseofdesruction:earthquake(after1stcenturyAD)TempleofArtemisatEphesus阿尔忒弥斯月...
Monumento a la Independencia, more commonly known as El Angel, is one of the most iconic landmarks in Mexico City. It stands tall and proud on Mexico City's main boulevard Paseo de la Reforma. The tower was finished in 1910, just in time to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of Mexic...
Cadmus killed a dragon who was the guard of a swatter spring near Thebes. The dragon was the son of Ares, the god of war and as a result the house of Cadmus wascursed by Ares. Laius provoked Pelos, the king of Pisa when he was living there after his father Lavdacus was killed. ...
of the delicate art. Coming in bowls, plates, ashtrays, mini vases, plates and much more, carefully check your authentic Turkish ceramic piece because there is a high possibility that the ceramic souvenir was made in China. If you are in Istanbul’s grand bazaar, you will see many of ...