Jesus is not a pure Greek name, as there is no "J" in Greek. What was the original name of Christ the Messiah? UpdatedJul 01, 2024 SHARE Jesusis not a pure Greek name, as there is no "J" in Greek. Yashua's Greek name begins with an iota. The name is transliterated IESOU...
You all remember what happened in Nineveh. They were a wicked a perverse people, and Jonah was sent by God to preach God’s impending judgment upon them. Jonah truly did preach a “turn or burn” message. And they did turn, they repented of their sin at the preaching of Jonah. They ...
Peter seized the opportunity and began to proclaim the gospel. Repeatedly drawing on Old Testament prophecies to prove his points, Peter taught the people that the rejected Jesus was the Messiah and Savior of the world. Acts 2 37When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and sa...
They overlooked the Messiah’s spiritual role as a deliverer from sin and Satan. They didn’t understand that His kingdom was spiritual, not political. As a result, few were prepared to accept Jesus as the promised Messiah. He didn’t fit their ideas of what the Messiah would do. ...
Was Jesus a Human Person (Examining Anhypostasis) Professor Bill Schlegel Debate: It’s Just War Bill Schlegel (Restitutio) Pray For The Brethren Featured Article Unity in Christ What does this Mean? A Plea for a Return to Belief in Jesus, the Messiah ...
Wills begs to differ. Paul's writings are the earliest Christian texts and, Wills maintains, are as orthodox as their priority suggests. They attest that Jesus is the Messiah, preaches a gospel of love, and rose from death to redeem humanity. They uphold Jewish law, repeatedly acknowledge wom...
"Messiah" ~ John 1:41 He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which means Christ). What is your favorite name of God in the Bible and why? Let us know in the comments section! Debbie McDaniel is a writer, pastor's wife, mo...
In each poem, however, Tolson, who was ethnically both African-American and native American, continued to opine about race, and about the difficulty of squaring the actual experiences of American minorities with the idea of equality promised by the American experiment. True, the form of Harlem ...
Erasmos Carlos was right in the center lane of the zeitgeist on this one. This record and Os Mutantes’ first are the ones I’d give to anyone interested in Tropicalia (and you should be interested). Sagittarius, “Present Tense”—Sagittarius was the Gorillaz of its day (1968): an ...