- Why Was Adam Sent to Earth After Being Forgiven? to the General Articles on Islam section. I have also added an appendix to each of the below articles... - Don't Be Treacherous! A Look At Nidal Malik Hasan's Actions In Light Of Islamic Teachings - Was Prophet Muhammad Uncertain of...
Dar Al-Hijrah, where Naureen’s family worships, felt shaken in November when a man left a fake explosive device at the mosque. Months later, a sign in the lobby cautions that in light of the shooting of an Imam in New York City, Dar Al-Hijrah’s security is monitoring all suspicious...
Why is the Hijrah important and how is it a major distinction between Christianity and Islam? How does Christianity differ from Ancient Roman religion? What is the difference between belief and religion? What do Islam, Sikhism, and Christianity have in common? What is the meaning of 786 in Is...
took advantage of this power and became violent; this is the reason all the battles fall in his Medinan life. This article examines the root causes of his behaviour and shift in attitude. It clarifies the Prophet’s goal and agenda at this stage of his life. The article highlights his at...
One serious accusation reads as follows: One example that jihadists were able to use to justify their beliefs was the example of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, who was a warlord and did many of the things Islamic State were doing. What is ISIS doing that Muhammad didn't do or wouldn't...