《What Was》系列是很好的一部历史人文题材作品,继《who was》之后的名社再出品,她是一部西方角度的世界史集合,美国史料占多,好一个美国人出的书,(虽然美史不长,但事多……)以【小题地点+事件】的形式加以阐述,你会看到女神像的作者目光炯炯,工人们围绕着巨大的雕塑的手。淘金拓荒者们的辛劳,1863年的手术...
"Strike you‘re out!" "He’s safe!" "Homerun!" Every October, millions of baseball fans around the country anxiously wait to see which team wins baseball's biggest championship. But the original games of the 1900s hardly ...
What was the Great Railroad Strike of 1877? What were labor unions in the Industrial Revolution? What is the Trade Union Act of 2016? What were the failures unions experienced in the early 1900s? What was the Union Army? What is picket fence federalism?
What was the Great Railroad Strike of 1877? What was the Indian Mutiny of 1857? What were some of the major historical events of 1861? What happened on May 5, 1862? What kind of epidemic was the cholera outbreak in 1840s? What was the Coal Strike of 1902?
What Was the Underground Railroad? 地下铁路是19世纪在美国废奴主义者把黑奴送到自由州、加拿大、墨西哥,以至海外的秘密网络。它是自由的非裔美国人的历史的重要象征。这个使黑奴脱离奴役的网络之所以被称为“地下”主要是因为这是一个秘密的网络;实际上,并没有真正意义上的“地下”交通。其被称为“铁路”是因为在...
My goal when I started writing this blog post was to write a review of The Startup Way. In this new book Eric Ries writes about the application of Lean Startup principles to established businesses and organizations. Rather than write a dry book review, I
The parties litigate the issue of whether federal laws preempt the local regulation. For example, the case ofSoo Line Railroad Company v. City of Minneapolis, 38 F.Supp 2d 1096 (1998) litigated the issue of whether the demolition permitting process was covered by federal law. ...
Martinsburg becamea center of the railroad industry and its workers. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 began July 14, 1877 in this city at the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Martinsburg Shops. What is there to do in Martinsburg WV this weekend?
What Was the Underground Railroad? 地下铁路是19世纪在美国废奴主义者把黑奴送到自由州、加拿大、墨西哥,以至海外的秘密网络。它是自由的非裔美国人的历史的重要象征。这个使黑奴脱离奴役的网络之所以被称为“地下”主要是因为这是一个秘密的网络;实际上,并没有真正意义上的“地下”交通。其被称为“铁路”是因为在...
What did the Great Railroad strike of 1877 do? What was the Great Railroad Strike of 1877? What was the Royal Road? What transportation improvement made travel on land routes easier in the 1800s? What rights did black men have in Canada's Underground Railroad?