The first "video game" I remember was Space Invaders on some offbrand Atari distributed by Sears or Kmart or something. I really got into the Spy Hunter in the arcades that you could sit in "like a car!". My first computer game was a grid/sector based "interstellar t...
Pokémon GO, which has become a world craze, was developed with Niantic, Inc.. While the project started as an April Fool's joke, the company realized its value and brought the game to life with the American company who shared the same vision. This allowed people who didn't know Pokémon...
What are the different types of Pokémon cards? In the Pokémon universe, there are three different categories of cards that you’ll find in any given deck: Pokémon character cards, Energy cards and Trainer cards. Character cards Each Pokemon has a type (there are 11 in the trading card ...
Coronet in the center. To the northeast, the region featured a Battle Zone island. There was also a massive tundra to the very north of the island, and some of the cities in the game are directly based on Hokkaido’s notable locales, like Pokémon’s Jubilife City standing in for ...
Chris Snyder
Let’s get started with the first generation. Our list of Strongest Pokémons From Each Generation (October 2022) Generation I – Strongest Pokemon I know what you’re all thinking. It’s Mewtwo, and obviously, you’re not wrong. While Mewtwo is the strongest Pokémon in Generation I, we...
Where was the first iPhone invented? Who used the telephone when it was first invented? What year was the portable charger invented? What year were CDs invented? What year was the telegraph invented? What year was Pokemon invented? What year was cable television invented?
In the first game, one of the strangest things you could have happen was a Pokemon transforming or the appearance of a mythical creature like Mew. Now, in New Pokemon Snap, you're researching something called the Illumina phenomenon that's been seen across the Lental region. This makes Poke...
The fact that Houndstone also won't attack other Pokemon with Let's Go is a brilliant detail (the poor thing's a pacifist, my heart 😭). Annihilape: My favourite out of the 4 new evos and what an evo it is. I always thought Primeape was fine enough as a 2-stage l...
I'm doing these changes because I was playing endless and kept finding pokemon that had a tinted pokeball, but when I caught it, I didn't know why it was tinted. So I made these changes to help me see what's new with pokemon What did change? All these changes are within the pokem...