Who invented the first bicycle? What year was Pokemon invented? What was marijuana first used for? What was the first jet engine used for? Who invented the first gun? What was the first commercial computer manufacturer? What was the first monopoly in the United States?
The information below pulls from our 1985 timeline video, part of Weird History’s Timeline Series. The year 1985 marked a significant period in history when the 80s found itself and started to manifest as its own iconic era. For many, this was the time of growth, coming of age, and ...
Deep State Scum using our stolen USAIDS money, created Zelensky with films and propaganda – all paid by you and me. BULLSHIT: This man’s daughter was in an ambulance. After receiving a bill, they were resent a more expensive bill. What??? Gene Hackman’s ‘Suspicious’ Death: More...
What was the first factory in the Industrial Revolution? What were some inventions that were created during the Industrial Revolution? Who built the railroads in the Industrial Revolution? Who is the father of the Industrial Revolution? Who was involved in the Industrial Revolution?
The first shotgun homes did not include bathrooms, but in later shotgun layouts, the bathroom with a small hall was built behind the last bedroom of the house, or a side addition was built off the kitchen. The original layout of a shotgun house featured a short...
That was taken the first time I had an opportunity to shoot one. I did not own one at that time. We were only shooting it about 150 ~ 175 yards that day so not nearly as much of a challenge. First time my daughter shot mine, kind of caught her off guard. 1 gunrunner32 Lif...
Machine Gun Gravity Knives Metal Complex via YouTube Gravity Knives Gravity knives, as the name implies, open by the force of gravity, not by any sort of mechanical spring action. The ban on gravity knives was repealed in 2017 when Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper signed the legislation. ...
Benjamin Franklin's "Join, or Die" cartoon was actually a call for unity rather than a call to arms. Library of Congress/Wikipedia Three years later, in 1754, Franklin created one of the most indelible images in colonial America. Some call it the first American political cartoon. The wood...
A mass shooting with an eighteenth-century gun was inconceivable. Nor was a gun useful in a moment of fury; it took too long to use and was too potentially ineffectual in the heat of the moment. The very nature of the mechanical, slow process for loading and triggering made it a weapon...
The 'Blue Gym': What can blue space do for you and what can you do for blue space? The Blue Gym Initiative was created in the UK in 2009 to explore: (1) whether blue space environments might be positively related to human health and well-... MP White,S Pahl,BW Wheeler,... - ...