(处理).TheKantamantomarketinAccra,thecapitalofGhana,isoneoftheworld'slargestsecondhandclothingmarkets.Everyweek,20 millionpiecesofclothesarriveatKantamanto.Butabout 40% ofthemleavethemarketaswaste.Workerseitherburnthewasteorputitunderground.However,thecityisnearthesea,sothere'snotenoughspaceforlandfills(垃圾...
themarketaswaste.Workerseitherburnthewasteorputitunderground.However,thecityisnearthesea,sothere'snotenoughspaceforlandfills.Thisiswhy a lotofclothingwasteendsuponthebeach.Asitgoesintothesea,fishandothersealifeareindanger.Seaturtles (海龟) can'tgettotheland,andfishcan'tgrowbecausetheymaygetcaughtinthe...
The Great Society was a set of domestic policy initiatives, programs, and legislation introduced in the 1960s in the U.S. These Great Society programs were intended to reduce poverty levels, reduce racial injustice, reduce crime, and improve the environment. Great Society policies were launched b...
Johnson would think of the U.S. federal law the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) if he were alive today. Legislation which Johnson signed into law in 1965, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), is discussed. According to the article, Johnson would be disappointed with the low...
iteeetheeoaFculolhgnyihpoedisdrleagesmhrltleseaoloasstalereneimltvrgniknecnalhdaanttataeh,hedoectaesredebx,tteinett.ssoott code." Francis Collins, always the poet, said: "Today, we celebrate the revelation of the first draft of the human book of life..."The atmosphere in that room was ...
The _47 child has matured into an adult and his dreams have also matured 48 him.I always wanted to be a 49 player. But life's cireumstances changed all that and my dream to be a professional haschall player disappeared. 50 I showed my friends what my childhood dream always was, they...
The first phase was to be an Emergency Aral Sea Environment Assistance Plan (ESEAP). In the proposal's own words, the ESEAP "should serve as an urgent response to address the situation ... The Aral Sea disaster and the disaster of international assistance. (Pressing Issues) More results ...
awhite wine vin bland maple brand canadian eseates 白葡萄酒vin平淡槭树品牌加拿大eseates [translate] aThis September is my first month at senior high school. Everything seemed new to me--- new school, new teachers and new classmates, but I got used to it soon. I was arranged to sit at...
根据第二段A small trial at the Medical University of Vienna found tiny pieces of it in the digestive systems of people from eight different countries.维也纳医科大学的一项小型试验在来自八个不同国家的人的消化系统中发现了这种物质的微小碎片;第一段最后一句So it shouldn't be all that surprising ...