without these ranks, it is impossible for people to make a direct parison between different colleges.In addition, it is this ranking that enables China to build up a system of assessing higher education and to enhance its overall development.Even so, others hold the opposite view that university...
An em dash is a versatile punctuation mark that looks like an extended dash. It is used to break up a longer sentence, usually to insert a phrase into the middle or end of a sentence, to add modification phrases to a list, and sometimes to show a break in narration or conversation. E...
The Jamaican sun is very powerful due to its proximity to the equator and shines bright even in the winter, so a long-sleeved rash guard is the perfect antidote to avoid over-exposure. If you are fair-skinned (like me!) you will be glad to know this one has UPF sun protection of 50...
I've changed, if subtly, and in ways that trouble a friend here and there. But my thinking is pretty much the same as it was when I was in my 20s. As a "liberal", I never really trusted Big Labor. I've never liked the "politically correct" speech regimen many traditional liberals...
Although hype for a sequel trilogy to thePlanet Of The Apesprequel trilogy (which was itself the antecedent of a fistful of movies made decades earlier) may not have been through the roof whenKingdom Of The Planet Of The Apeswas first announced, soon-to-beLegend Of Zeldadirector Wes Ball'...
Everyone knows someone who went to college with a girl whose lab partner knew a girl who was rooming with someone who was slain in her room while the roommate was out partying. And the roommate would have been wiped out too, if when she got back to her dorm room she had turned on th...
(viaIn The Playroom) (6) HotPotato:Get ready for some fast-paced fun with this classic game. Sit or stand in a circle and pass a ball or potato around while you play some music. If you’re holding the potato when the music stops, you’re out! The last person remaining wins. (via...
The Robot Chicken writers think Disney is running out of classics to remake; Luke Skywalker is a little too comfy inside that Tauntaun; Midsommars' big problem was it wasn't cute enough. EP6May Cause One Year of Orange Poop Robot Chicken shows you how Batman Beyond's training goes way...
staring into the Big Blue with a plastic cup filled with warm Pinot Grigio above PCH, very close to Thelma Todd’s old bar/restaurant in the Pacific Palisades, I was pondering the death of Gloria Vanderbilt and decided that it just makes sense to try and connect these many glowing dots th...
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