The Bible was originally written in the ancient languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek over a period of many centuries. Although sometimes referred to as “dead” languages (because they are not commonly spoken in the same format today), all three of these languages are very much alive. Tho...
What Is the Bible All About... and: Is the Bible Written in Stone?A unique perspective on well known stories, and not so well known characters of the bible... From 'Esther' to 'all about Jesus'.Mark C. MooteChristian V. Moote
What was the first book written in America? What is the Gutenberg Bible made of? What book was mass produced by the Gutenberg printing press? What is historical writing? Who invented the first book in the world? What was the first song ever recorded?
English continued to assimilate foreign words, especially from Latin and Greek, throughout the Renaissance(文艺复兴).Despite some differences in vocabulary, the written material from the early 17th century, such as the works of William Shakespeare and the King James Bible(英王詹姆士钦定版《圣经》)...
What is the Covenant important to Judaism? What covenant did God make with Moses? Who was the first gentile in the Bible? What is a covenant with God? What was the first gospel written in the New Testament? What is the first gospel in the New Testament?
Rather than being penned by the rulers of the time, the Bible was written by Jewish people, an oppressed minority for hundreds of years. This is why the motif of liberating the exploited is so central to the book as a whole. So, why were these stories published in the first place?
What God gives us in the Bible is Search for Truth. What, then, is the Bible? It is a selection of literature evolved out of eighteen centuries of human life, comprising all various literary forms, written by men of all various types and temperaments, without concord, without mutual ...
Faith is incredibly important because it is the means through which we establish a relationship with God. As it's written inEphesians 2:8, "For by grace you have been saved through faith." Faith is how we receive the gifts of what Jesus has done for us - he lived a life of per...
What religion considers The Bhagavad Gita sacred? What language was the Bible written in? What type of religion is Hinduism? What religion did Ojibwa believe in? What is the First Nations' religion? How did Abraham found Judaism? What religions are panentheistic?