Whenhewas20,in1985,Kéréearnedavocationalscholarshiptostudycarpentry(木工)in Berlin.Butwhileabsorbedinthepracticalityofroofingandfurnituremaking,healsoattended nightschoolandwasadmittedtoTechnicalUniversityofBerlin,fromwhichhegraduatedin2004 withanadvanceddegreeinarchitecture.Hewasstillastudentwhenhedesignedandbuiltthe...
Nicole Murphy. I don’t know any of the songs but wait for their unveiling with high expectations. Entry prices range from $49 to $125 and there’s a transaction fee of $7, which I don’t believe was the practice in previous years but someone has finally hit on the usual way to sc...
Donald Trump’s electoral victory was the capstone event of the last year. His actual return to the White House will shape world events over the next months. I recorded my conversation with Jeremy, Karin and Sasha earlier this month as part of the FT’s Global Boardroom series in front of...
There was a decorated wall that was open at its right and left to let people pass; it was just behind the door separating the inner room from the antechamber, placed there to prevent drafts. Gabriel had passed this wall numerous times by now for prayers, probably absentmindedly given that ...
in the night, when viewership was largest and when the president had the most energy. Biden needed to turn the narrative that he lacked the vigor or the fight for a Donald Trump rematch. And as our Jonathan Lemire reports, Democratsfelt he was able to do that— at least for...
Remember last March when the Academy Awards justifiably showered Everything Everywhere All At Once with kudos, statues and everything bagels to celebrate that extraordinary film in all its bizarre and confusing glory? When the multiverse was the explanat
Hello community! New member here, hoping to get some intel from any experts out there about this mysterious 'shadow' that's appearing on all my super 8 frames. I'm shooting with and without the the C-8 wide angle adapter, but it doesn't seem to make a di
The regions of a ferroelectric crystal with uniformly oriented polarisation are called ferroelectric domains and the plane separating two domains is called a domain wall. Unpoled ferroelectric materials tend to form multiple domains because a single domain crystal would produce an electric depolarising fi...
Cleveland in the 1930s through the 1960s provides a strong alternate hypothesis: it was the changed hormonal environment associated with the origin of eusociality and its concomitant shift in termite developmental ontogeny that instigates the death of the flagellates in termites. Although the research...
Nas () Was not. Nas () Has not. Nasal (a.) Of or pertaining to the nose. Nasal (a.) Having a quality imparted by means of the nose; and specifically, made by lowering the soft palate, in some cases with closure of the oral passage, the voice thus issuing (wholly or partially)...