World War I, also known as The Great War was fought between the Central Powers and Allied Forces. Explore the major battles of WWI on both the Western and Eastern fronts. Related to this Question What was the Battle of Verdun? What was the tragedy of the Battle of Verdun?
What was the Battle of Wounded Knee?Showdown at Wounded Knee Creek:In the mid- to late nineteenth century, the United States government believed in America's manifest destiny or destiny to extend from the East to West coast. An ever-increasing population and the need for more land for ...
The Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the American Civil War. 2 Siege To surround and attack a place with armed forces. The army sieged the castle for months without surrender. 4 Battle To work very hard or struggle; strive. He battled to keep his company afloat during the rece...
That fall Roosevelt was elected to his first term Tumble To come upon accidentally; happen on We tumbled on a fine restaurant. Fall A flock of woodcock There is a fall of woodcock in the round wood above the dell Tumble (Slang) To come to a sudden understanding; catch on Tumbled to the...
What was the immediate cause of WW1?World War IWorld War I was one of the two major wars of the twentieth century. It had ramifications which would completely change the social, political and economic culture of most European nations.
The Olympic torch will finally enter France when it reaches the southern seaport of Marseille on Wednesday. And it’s already been quite a journey. After being lit on April 16 in Ancient Olympia, the torch was carried around Greece before leaving Athens
moved away from the more colorful uniforms of the last century and towards plainer, simpler uniforms that provided better camouflage. There was also a lot of variety, with less of the standardization seen with modern militaries. Last but not least, mustaches were in fashion - and what fashion!
anti-British sentiment was widespread through the American Colonies, especially in New England. Many ordinary colonists viewed British soldiers negatively. British soldiers were regarded by some colonists as an occupation force. Because of this, the colonists devised all kinds of derogatory names for Br...
The oddest thing happened to me a few days ago. By accident, I arrived at a Twitter-X page, having to do with John Podesta. The indication was that it was Podesta's page. What was interesting is that there was an announcement there in big letters saying,“You are not allowed to comm...
What was the Battle of Verdun? What was Australia's involvement in the Battle of the Somme? What is the significance of the Crimean War? How did the Battle of Passchendaele affect Australia? What was the Battle of Cantigny during WW1?