Vikings were tradesmen, warriors and, not least, farmers. Evidence suggests that they bathed regularly, kept their ears and nails clean, and combed their hair and beards. The average height for a male was 171 cm. The most privileged Vikings used swords and chain mails when fighting. The ordi...
when i said i didnt l when i said we couldn when i see myself ill when i see the leaves when i see your beaut when i stand here tak when i started using when i think of god i when i turned back when i walked in when i was a child i when i was five when i was led to ...
And while our sun seems huge, it looks puny compared to the biggest stars we know of. The sun is a G-type star or a yellow dwarf and a pretty average size on the cosmic scale. Some "hypergiant" stars are much, much larger. Perhaps the biggest star known is UY Scuti, which could ...
For the last 20 years of her life, Jacqueline worked as a publisher’s editor, first at Viking, then at Doubleday, pursuing(追求)a late-life career longer than her two marriages combined. During her time in publishing, she was responsible for managing and editing more than 100 successfully ...
It's typically broken up into three periods: the Early Middle Ages, the High Middle Ages and the Late Middle Ages. The Early Middle Ages saw the end of the Roman Empire, the birth of Islam and Viking raiders attacking their neighbors. This was followed by the High Middle Ages....
And The Frame-Up provides everything you want, and then just a bit more.There’s a secret group of art thieves that are very good at what they do, and Dani Poissaint’s mother was one of the best of the best. She was an incredible thief who had a crew that could put together ...
Hey guys, I wanted to seek your advice. I surf in the bay area in northern california. I started surfing two years ago and have gotten a very good amount of water time. Probably twice a week average over the two years. I have been riding a 7'2 for a year now and feel that I ...
The main experience that we enjoyed together in this 2024 was theroad tripwe did toNamibiaduring the summer holidays. We spent over two weeks driving up and down the country along solitary and unpaved roads, throughdeserts, mountains, canyons, along the coast… We did a bit of camping and ...
But pricey to live in, cool in the summer, *cold* in the winter. Stockholm, Sweden B, $$$, 🥶 I stayed in a suburb outside of the city proper, and didn’t really see enough of the city to be sure. What I did see was… fine. As pricey and cold as Oslo, but not as pret...
The handful of professional climbers in the table above have, on average, a positive ape index. Put simply, they tend to have long arms for their height. Keep in mind that our sample is quite small. If these averages held true across a larger sample of pro climbers, they would suggest...