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What led to the Battle of the Alamo? Who captured Quebec in the French and Indian War? What came first: the Prohibitory Act or the Battle of Quebec? What was significant about the Battle of Plattsburgh? What did the Battle of Saratoga lead to?
Around Alamo: What are you doing the rest of your life?Caterina Mellinger
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"Remember the Alamo!" is still a rallying cry more than 175 years after the siege in Texas, where a small band of men held off about two thousand soldiers of the Mexican Army for twelve days. The Alamo was a crucial turning point in the Texas Revolution, and led to the creation of ...
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20K Review the Battle of the Alamo in 1836. Learn about the former Alamo mission near San Antonio and its role in the Texas Revolution and fight for independence. Related to this QuestionHow did the Battle of the Alamo start? Who was at the Alamo before the battle began? Who started th...