The first streaming show from Marvel Studios was able to leave a mark on pop culture instantaneously, thanks to actress Kathryn Hahn. "WandaVision" pays homage to American sitcoms over the past several decades, with Hahn's Emmy-nominated role as Agatha (or "Agnes") playing the trope of the...
The idea for 7 Cups of Tea, as it was originally called, started at psychologist and founder Glen Moriarty's kitchen table, according to7 Cups for the Searching Soul, a self-published book he co-authored in 2016. Moriarty turned to his wife, whom he hasdescribed as a therapist, for gui...
‘90s Saturday morning TV. And yet, thanks to its then-maverick serialised storytelling approach and complex characterisation, the show — which originally ran between 1992 and 1997 — somehow always felt ahead of its time. The arrival of Marvel Studios Animation’sX-Men ‘97three decades later ...
Directed by Greg Berlanti and produced by star Scarlett Johansson, the romantic dramedy Fly Me to the Moon was originally meant to be released directly to the Apple TV+ streaming service, but strong test screenings inspired Sony to give the film a theatrical release first. The movie isn’t ...
Despite having a primitive CPU, ENIAC was a marvel for its time and could process as many as 5,000 equations per second. When WWII ended, ENIAC was immediately drafted into the emerging Cold War on the American side. Its first assignment was running calculations related to the building of ...
All of these different efforts created beings that could reasonably be called super-soldiers because they were directly augmented humans, rather than regular humans using specialized equipment. Related: Was Captain America Taking The Shield In Civil War Stealing? Not all of the iterations of the ...
Graeme was sure Chloe would talk aboutPunisher: Blood on the Moorsby John Wagner, Alan Grant with painted art by Cam Kennedy. It’s a Marvel original graphic novel from the very early ’90s which Chloe describes (in between Graeme’s description) as “a continuation ofBogie Man.” ...
After the first flight test, Kate Tice, a quality systems engineering manager for the company, said Starship'sclearing of the launch towerwas the team's main hope. Prior to the second flight, Tice again managed public expectations, saying there was "a good chance" the booster would incur da...
This latest Star Wars TV show is a reminder of the true Star Wars roots. It wasn’t originally a show of dark prophecy and epic lore. Star Wars was a fun adventure, and a family-friendly one. Skeleton Crew returns to that ideal. It's the story of a gang of kids who end up lost...
Fort Mifflin, which was originally called Fort Island Battery, was commissioned in 1771. It was also known as Mud Island Fort because it sits on Mud Island (also known as Deep Water Island) on the Delaware River near the Philadelphia International Airport. During the American Revolutionary War...