What was the unification of Italy and Germany? What did the governments of Italy and Germany have in common by the 1930s? What were the main events of the Italian campaign? Where does fascism fit with other modern ideologies, and what are there preconditions that tend to favor its growth?
Fascism Specifically, the Fascist movement led by Benito Mussolini in Italy from 1922 to 1943. 1 Fascism Broadly, a tendency toward or support of a strongly authoritarian or dictatorial control of government or other organizations; - often used pejoratively in this sense. Fascism A political theory...
Fascism Specifically, the Fascist movement led by Benito Mussolini in Italy from 1922 to 1943. Communism State aims to wither away Communism envisions a future without government. Fascism Broadly, a tendency toward or support of a strongly authoritarian or dictatorial control of government or other ...
What is fascism, why is the movement called "fascist", and why did Oswald Mosley bring fascism to England?Fascist States:While fascism is no longer a dominant political ideology, it was very popular in the first half of the 20th century. Italy, Germany, ...
to convince populations to side with what often starts as small fringe movements. In Germany, and to an extent Italy, this catalyst was the Great Depression, historian Aristotle Kallis, a professor at Keele University in England, saidin a lecture on fascismthat he delivered in Amsterdam in ...
Fascists also tend to embrace imperialism and the conquering of weaker nations. Mussolini was especially impressed with the ambitious expansion and militarism of ancient Rome. Hitler, an early admirer of Mussolini and his tactics, modeled his Nazi party on Italy's fascism in the 1920s. ...
The ascent of nationalist leaders in Hungary, Italy and Slovakia underscores the growing influence of these populist forces. In countries like Finland and Sweden, right-wing parties either govern or support the government, while the Netherlands braces for a potential anti-immigrant administration led ...
was very murky indeed. Chauvinist doctrines of German and Jewish cultural supremacy, nebulous racialist theories, aggressive militarism, extreme religious fundamentalism, woolly mysticism and irrationalism, an emphatic rejection of democracy, sympathy for fascism, even an open advocacy of government by fasc...
The opening of a second major theater of war meant that even more of the world was engulfed in the conflict. Japan fought to achieve an Asian and Pacific new order, as Nazi Germany and Italy fought for domination in Europe and the Mediterranean. On December 11, Hitler declared war on the...
Fascist leaders such as Adolf Hitler in Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy used nationalism to override individual self-interest, subjugating the welfare of the general population to achieve social goals. Nationalism under fascism works within existing social structures rather than destroying them....