I used to float, now I just fall downI used to know but I’m not sure nowWhat I was made forWhat was I made for? Takin’ a drive, I was an idealLooked so alive, turns out I’m not realJust something you paid forWhat was I made for? ‘Cause I, II don’t know how to...
Eilish, along with her brother Finneas O'Connell, joins several other performers announced Wednesday for the 2024 Academy Awards. Written by Eilish and O'Connell, "What Was I Made For?" is one of two tracks from "Barbie" nominated for best original song at the award show, which will be...
Accordingtohercolleague,ZhouChengyuwasverysurprisedwhenshefoundoutshewent viralonline.Shesaidthatshewashappywhenshesawpeopleonlineregardingherastheprideof thecountry,andyetshekeptsayingthatshewas“nobodybutanormalworkeratalaunchsite” andtherearealotmorepeoplejustlikehergoingunnoticed whiledoingthehardestjobto guar...
” Eilish started her speech. “I’m so grateful for this song and for this movie and the way that it made me feel. And this goes out to everyone who was affected by the movie and how incredible it is. And I want to thank my team and my parents. I...
made a telephone all to 给……打电话 That’s why… 那就是……的原因 2. 日常交际用语 1)关于“购物”的用语: I’d like to buy… 我想买 OK. I’ll take this one. 好的,我就买这个。 2)表示“作用”的用语: What’s it used for? 它是作什么用的?
i was up all night wr i was i was going for i wasn t frightened i wasn t pouting i wasn t thinking i wasnt that little g i watch him go i watched his father i waved her off i weakly spoke i wear my shirt i wear sunglasses i went through your i went to a movie wit i went...
when i lose heart when i need a freand when i really didnt m when i really dont me when i say i am a chr when i say i love you when i see myself ill when i spoke when i was all christ when i was flying ove when i was in my juni when i was scared i w when i watched...
"Thank goodness you have doubleeyelids(双眼皮). Your parents will save a lot of money." said a family friend when I was five years old. Double eyelids, which almost all the white people have, are rare among Northeast Asians. Only 25% of South Koreans are born with double eyelids. ...
少年谢尔顿第1季第2集台词 英文中文Look at him. Breaks my heart.你看他我心都要碎了Poor little guy, all alone.可怜的小...
One Sunday morning in June, my mother walked into my room. “Surprise!” she said, proudly holding up a yellow___with black and white stripes. “I made it just for you. What do you think?” I bit my tongue. How could I tell Mum it was the___dress I had ever seen? “It’s...