You couldn't believe it was happening. You could see it in front of your eyes, but you couldn't believe it. Here it was, a beautiful day -- a beautiful Sunday morning -- and you see everything blowing up and ships sinking and men in the water. And you think, we're at peace ...
George Herman Ruth, Jr.)was born 06 February 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland. His parents were of German ancestry. His father George Herman Ruth Sr. held many jobs from salesman to streetcar operator and eventually opened a saloon in which the young George (Babe) was exposed to the seedier sid...
doctors, medical staff and others – had been killed within 30 minutes of it happening might have proved to be the turning point; and this was exacerbated by the BBC’s mealy
The SU-fed, supercharged Ford Zephyr 2.3-litre overhead, two-valve straight-six – canted at 45 degrees from vertical – was a structural chassis element in that a piece of steel was milled to the shape of the engine’s timing cover and then a steel plate was welded to it that accepte...
28% thought Memorial Day was a day to honor all military veterans and didn't know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Also, only 46% knew that Memorial Day always falls on the last Monday in May, and 21% thought the holiday falls on the last Sunday in May. What is...
I was pretty shocked by the number of women who responded, even though the question was clearly meant for men. I was even more shocked by the number of women who took offense at the very thought of a woman caring about what men thought of her appearance. While nice in theory, I don'...
But that view was subsumed in the Cold War as we parried with the USSR for power. And, from that point of view, the CIA was an imperial power: in Iran, Cuba, Ecuador and most of Central America, and, obviously, SE Asia. But there were times when Wilford, I thought, undercut ...
markets selling the best agricultural local produce in the middle of downtown. Imagine for one second this happening in our plastic Gulf occupied Beirut downtown, between a parking lot and another, between the Aishti and Prada shop. You do have an agricultural produce market in downtown, Souk...
The value of what the Jewish refugees had stolen from them was many times greater than anything the Arab refugees can claim they lost The attack on the Jewish communities was unprovoked and on an innocent civilian population. The same is not true of much of the Arab population in the mandat...
While all of this was happening, the GP engine's development was plagued with delays. Goossen had worked quickly to finalise the design but delays were soon encountered from suppliers. Foundries failed to produce castings on time and constant delays were encountered with forging companies, some ...