There was once much enthusiasm about Europe’s concepts such as “common security”, pan-European identity, or “European common home”, articulated by the Palme Commission in 1982 and promoted by the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) as the Cold War ended. US presidents...
The primary purpose of the interviews was to understand how GGFs make decisions regarding potential investments and the extent to which they can contribute to the development of public goods, such as antibiotics. We summarise our interviewees’ answers in the following sections and quote specific ...
“A falling population, especially a declining young population in the 20-40 years of age bracket, may cause a decline in innovation and hunger to push China into the leading technological role it aspires to reach over the next decade,” Vettoretti said. ”With technology playing such an im...
Officially defined globally as the cohort of people who were born between 1996 and 2010, Gen Z make up about 15 percent of China’s population and represent the next engine of domestic consumption growth. Understanding Gen Z is paramount forany consumer company that wants to...
During the influenza epidemic of 1918, quarantine centers and emergency military hospitals like this one in Camp Funston, Kansas, were constructed at various outposts throughout the U.S. A third of the world's population was infected, and at least 50 million died (675,000 in the U.S. al...
By the end of 2010, China’s pension beds covered only 1.8% of the elderly population, and there was a serious discrepancy between the supply and demand of pension services. In this context, the state council and local governments issued relevant policy documents, whereby, with respect to ...