Massacre at Babi Yar On September 24, 1941, shortly after the Nazi Germans' successful 45-day battle for Kiev, Red Army engineers exploded a number of land mines that had been pre-positioned in key buildings in the city center. One of these was the Hotel Continental, in which the Germans...
Related to BABI:Babi Yar,Babi Yar Massacre AcronymDefinition BABIBay Area Birth Information(California) BABIBritish American Business Inc.(New York, NY) BABIBasaltic Achondrite Best Initial(earth science) BABIBayside Adolescent Boarding Incorporated(Wynnum, Queensland, Australia) ...
What was the purpose of the water frame? What did Yangban do? What is Wat Mahathat? What was the World Trade Center used for? What was Estevanico looking for? What are "chitlin's"? What was the "Chitlin' Circuit"? What is a megalith? What is Babi Yar? What is waterboarding used...
YARYou Are Right YARYemen Arab Republic YARYouth At Risk YARYouth As Resources YARYuma Association of Realtors YARYork Antwerp Rules YARYouth against Racism YARYet Another Repository(Perl) YARYoung Australians for a Republic YARYamaha A&R, Inc.(Japan) ...