—“My mother was 19 when she crossed the world alone, traveling from India to California with an unshakeable dream to be the scientist who would cure breast cancer.” —“It was mostly my mother who raised us. Before she could finally afford to buy a home, she rented a small apartment...
Tuesday, it’s immigration and crime: “Make America Safe Once Again.” Trump and Republicans believe the border debate is among their strongest issues. They have arranged speeches for the family members of slain people in which immigrants in the U.S. illegally face criminal charges, as part...
WASHINGTON— For most of the 1,250 attendees gathered at The Park at 14th, a four-story nightclub in Washington's Franklin Park neighborhood, many of the pro-Harris crowd sided believed the presidential debate was effectively over less than an hour in. “Did anyone enjoy watchin...
Vance’s reductive reasoning is also based on a fundamental lie: that the amount of housing we have is fixed and that we must fight against each other for the homes that do exist. What JD Vance—and all of us—must instead acknowledge is that it doesn’t have to be this way. We don...
“Nobody really thought that was their problem,” Landau said in an October panel discussion by the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors restricting immigration. Even if the Supreme Court ultimately goes along, we’re likely to see legal challenges gum up the works for much of the next...
the race, polling by the Democratic firm Blueprint showed in the weeks leading up to the campaign. All that Harris had to do was make minor adjustments to her language to put some distance between herself and Biden on the economy, the Middle East and immigration, the group’s data showed...
LEONHARDT: Yes. And let’s be really clear about what Kennedy was talking about. He was talking specifically there about accusations that the bill would lead to an increase in the level of immigration. It turns out he was entirely wrong about that. L.B.J. was wrong about it. And the ...
Trump, meanwhile, was solidifying support in the Republican Party and pounding the Biden administration’s handling of the economy and immigration, casting himself as a victim while pledging revenge against prosecutors and politicians who tried to hold him accountable. Biden was unable to mount a ...
FIRST IN PLAYBOOK:Democrats obviously find no reason to celebrate Trump’s visit to the Hill today, and former SpeakerNANCY PELOSIshared with us this statement capturing that sentiment: “Today, the instigator of an insurrection is returning to the scene of the crime. January 6th was a crime ...
Kennedy’s allies courted Musk for his support when he was running as an independent, but he dropped out of the race in August and endorsed Trump. Musk and Kennedy, now on the same team, have both been on the trail for Trump and been guests at his ral...