The population of about 565 million people is situated in about 23 independent countries. The earliest human inhabitants in North America were from Asia and crossed into Alaska over the Bering land bridge during an ice age. The arrival of Europeans occurred in the mid-1600s. This population is...
The qiviut is a type of musk ox native to Alaska. While the fibers produced by this animal are very rough, they are eight times more insulative than sheep wool, which makes qiviut wool ideal for gloves, hats, and other types of cold weather gear. How Does Wool Fabric Impact the Enviro...
What they heard was a “frost quake,” which is technically called a cryoseism. It can happen when the ground gets full of water or ice. This can freeze the soil and rock around it, which makes a loud noise if it cracks. What is a snow drought? ArtOfPhotos // Shutterstock What is...
Where on Earth can you see the lights? As the particles fall into our atmosphere they follow a path that brings them down towards specific latitudes that we call theauroral oval(Figure 10). The northern auroral oval extends across northern Scandinavia, northern Iceland, central Canada, Alaska an...
The “pink tax” originally referred to state sales tax applied to feminine hygiene products. The term may also be used to refer to the practice of charging more for products marketed to women. Some research indicates the pink tax may not be as common as it was in ...
The Inuit tribe is a group of indigenous people in Alaska and Canada who were once called Eskimos. Discover the history of the Inuits, how they reached Alaska thousands of years ago and how they balance their traditions with contemporary culture. ...
Before he was outed as a cheater, cancer survivor Lance Armstrong was the king of the cycling universe and the mind behind a well-intentioned fundraising prop that turned into a global fashion phenomenon. Yellow rubbery Livestrong bracelets were originally sold to raise money for cancer, but soon...
An attraction in itself, the ornate teahouse was originally built in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, as a gift to its sister city, Boulder. It was sent to the city as a symbol of friendship and cultural exploration. On the hunt for cheap eats? Start your search near the University of Colorado ...
When municipalities stopped putting fluoride in the water, cavity rates went up. This was observed, for example, in Calgary, Canada, and in Juneau, Alaska. There are parts of the world, including India, China and East Africa, where fluoride levels 30 to 40 times higher than levels in the...
Coast. The Tsimshian people spoke a language that was distinct from all other languages of the indigenous people of Canada. Their language was called Tsimshianic. This language did have dialects spoken by individual Tsimshian groups. Some of the Tsimshian migrated to Alaska in the late 19th ...