What was Ayn Rand's working title for 'Anthem'? What war is the Concord Hymn about? In Anthem, what is Equality 7-2521's definition of freedom? In Anthem, what job did Equality 7-2521 want to be assigned as his life mandate?
To a first approximation, we can think of a company’s average earnings yield—earnings divided by price—as the average return that it would have delivered to its shareholders if it had used 100% of its earnings to pay dividends or buy back shares (the two are functionally equivalent—(see...
7. Given that Big Pharma's LEGAL CORPORATE MANDATE is to MAXIMIZE PROFITS, WHY WOULD BIG PHARMA TELL THE PLEBS HOW TO BE HEALTHY SO THAT THEIR PROFITS WOULD BE MINIMIZED? Wouldn't a Big Pharma CEO that did that get fired from his $15 million dollar a year "job?"I updated my ...
The government does not step in to mandate how parents raise their children unless there is concern that the parents are abusive. One urologist I spoke with raised an interesting point: There is hardly a mass movement to ban parents from piercing their children's ears even though unlike circum...