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【A554】看电影学英语口语~What's your angle? 你有什么目的,你有什么企图,你在打什么主意,你在盘算什么?这个短语通常用于当你怀疑某人有隐藏的目的或者想了解他们真正的意图时,源于angle这个词的基本含义之一,即角度,在此处引申为看待事物的特定方式或个人利益点。
willie wilson willie you know that willing a willing to be enchant willing to do practic willing to learn addi willingly accept eith willman willmigerl counting s willmigerl hospital s willmigerl mental han willmigerl motion deb willmigerl rush hours willmigerl town house willmigerlacceptor ...
i stand for i stand in housetop i stand naked and acc i started breathing h i started counting da i started learning fr i started to leave i started to run i stay becomes pain i stay i pray i stick around cos i i still alive i still believed i still dream of you i still got it...
novel,SunnysidePlaza.Tocreateherworld,Simonmadeuseofhisjobatahalfwayhousewhen hewas19yearsold.Hecaredforadults with mentaldisabilities.Workingtheeveningshift,he madesuretheybrushedtheirteethandtooktheir medicinebeforebedtime. “AllmylifeI?vewantedtowriteaboutthatexperience,”saidSimon,ajournalistwhohostsWeekend...
tomorrow. What would be a good time for you? PIZZA SHOP OWNER Wait. Hold on. I need to think about this-- The Owner out a few bills from her fanny pack and starts counting one by one. senses a trap and tries to get out of it. She takes The family all stare. It’s be...
The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485) were a series of civil wars between two great noble families: the House of York (约克王朝) whose badge was a white rose, and the House of Lancaster (兰开斯特王朝) whose badge was a red rose. Both houses battled for power, wealth and ultimately the ...
However, the most recent video addresses a more general Solar 101-type topic and has received over 1,600 views in 10 days and counting. The takeaway for me was to focus more on the topics our audience is hungry for. In short, give ’em what they want! Katie Bisson Katie ...
The code in the following snippet demonstrates the simplest ML.NET application. This example constructs a linear regression model to predict house prices using house size and price data. C#复制 usingMicrosoft.ML;usingMicrosoft.ML.Data;classProgram{publicrecordHouseData {publicfloatSize {get;se...
The code in the following snippet demonstrates the simplest ML.NET application. This example constructs a linear regression model to predict house prices using house size and price data. C#复制 usingMicrosoft.ML;usingMicrosoft.ML.Data;classProgram{publicrecordHouseData {publicfloatSize {get;set; }pu...