Perhaps there was something inherently flawed in what Clan cats were taught to consider important all along, something that Tigerstar simply took further than other cat, with dire consequences. But that cannot be the full answer either. Whatever flaws it had, Clan culture managed to produce good...
Now am I saying that China is not dangerous? Uh. No. Just like I’m not saying that the left is dangerous. They are both particularly dangerous because in many ways they’re both involved in a desperate struggle for survival, one they’re terrified they’ve already lost. (Population in...
Your life is organized like an orbit. I know. 了解了这点,就知道为何四年于相隔千里的我们,似乎只是弹指一挥间而已。 我其实了解小女儿的心理,是希望多一点surprise多一点romantic多一点傻里吧唧的指天划地的。可惜我这方面的才能似乎多用在0,1组成的无机世界里了,于是只能委屈她了。大多数的时间,她就一...
In conversation and writing, lots of non-experts--I am not an expert on this, are you?--employ the narcissism lexicon glibly and confidently to describe all kinds of bad behavior as if everyone knows exactly what they mean. One problem with this is that nearly everyone who does it (like...