involving huge moving and mesmerizing projections, a resounding, evocative score consisting of excerpts from violin works by Benjamin Britten (with additional music from composer Constantine Caravassilis), and an enormous, glowing glass circle that rises and lowers over the dancers, sometimes enclosing t...
Haha. I pray for an actual SongAh/JoonYoung piano/violin set for next episode please. And Manager-nim, I hope he’d be gone along with JY suitcase next week. Heh. AGE OF YOUTH. Yes, again, I am late for this train but absolutely loving it! I can oh-so-relate to some of their...
I would’ve never dreamed that I’d be so into a song about shampoo, or that I’d ever giggle fondly at a song about poop, but that’s just what this show does so well. It makes me laugh at unexpected things, while keeping my heart full. Listening to this song brings back all t...
funny, and adorable as I’d heard. Choi Ji-woo and Lee Sang-yoon make an adorable second-chance couple, but what I ship the most in this show is Ha Nora and her true self, reuniting after twenty years of being estranged. Seeing her regain her confidence and her dreams feels like taki...