Oh yeah. Those are "political". They reflected my idea of furthering "the public good" at the time I did I them. You get the idea. There's got to be a cause, some heat, some passion in an activity that helps others. Doesn't matter if it's a national issue or not. Doesn't ...
My entire childhood effectively ended up being spent in the USSR. In 1991 I finished 11th grade. This probably explains my fairly narrow range of needs and interests, which in those days could not be satisfied for obvious reasons. Most of them were purely consumerist – to do with food and...
From the “Black Sheep Patrol,” as they called themselves, I came to hear about such life hacks as how to smuggle wine in a Boy Scout canteen, how to jimmy a sliding glass door with a straight-slot screwdriver, and how newspaper works in a pinch when you run out of rolling papers....
JF:No, that was in the East Village. I'd lived there for quite a while, actually. And I was just really comfortable there. People were like, “Oh my God, she's poor.” And I was like,Okay, first of all, slow down. It's a good apartment for East Village standards.If you knew...
But I got over it, and I'm back. Oh--and the same thing happened again, but this time I just sent my nearby army in and recaptured the city. It's all part of the fun, but I still get easily annoyed when things don't go my way.Another pet peeve is the very need to sc...
Busch Gardens: The Dark Continent rides and adventures at the theme park in Tampa, Florida (1987) It’s rather eerie. After a few days at Disney World, it’s a little hard to tell what’s real, anyway. One evening, a crowd gathered on the beach outside the Polynesia...
“In a situation with no way out, I have no other choice. My life will end in a little village in the Pyrenees where nobody knows me.” Benjamin’s status as a thinker and philosopher increased in the years after his death. Naturally, therefore, curious students would turn up in Port...
Let me come back to someone who’s, like, leading a scout troop: “I want to be the best scout troop in the city.” There’s some measure for that. But why wouldn’t you reframe that to say you want this scout troop to be the most meaning-filled scout troop in t...
we decided to build a western town. Back in the 90’s we had a western village that had some great scares and details. That was abandoned when the asylum scene was built. Cosimo designed the buildings and with Gianna, and Dewey, it came to life. Wanting to add some realism, I went ...
How is Eliza treated like a live doll Pygmalion? In The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, why is it ironic that the villagers make fun of the next village for wanting to end The Lottery? How did Dickon and Mary find out about the garden in The Secret Garden? What happens to Santos ...