(andwhich leaves the service on October 29, so check it out if you don’t have access to the BBC iPlayer);Midnight Mass, Mike Flanagan’s impressively heartfelt Catholic horror miniseries; and he has a quick quiz for Graeme and Chloe—out of the three horror movie musicals of the ’70s...
Playing video games C. Gardening D. Watching movies/TV series Rate this question: Quiz Review Timeline+ Advertisement Related Quizzes Undertale Quiz: Which Undertale Character Are You? Game Recommendations Quiz: What Game Should I Play?
B. I only want your love Once you place your order please email your message to us theyoungknives@gmail.com So that is exactly what I did. Then through the relative efficiency of my sent mail folder I am now able to track my initial order and request to the band which said this; ...
Our quiz does its best to match your real-life soft or hard skills to that of the main RPG classes. That’s why the results are so reliable and accurate. How to Know What Role-Playing Game Class You Are You don’t have to participate in a quiz to find that out, though that would...
Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Are you a football fan? This game is extremely challenging! Have fun as you first determine the football player and then determine their jersey number. Be the first to identify who it is and their number! Challenge your friends to play this addicting game. ...
iSpring Learnsimplifies content creationbecause it integrates with iSpring Suite and lets you turn PowerPoint presentations into interactive training materials with quizzes, role-plays, and video lessons. Finally, iSpring Learn offers responsive customer support and flexible pricing (you only pay for ...
The GameQuitters site invites gamers and their loved ones to take a quiz with nine questions taken from a list that the American Psychiatric Association suggests can be used to screen for video-game addiction. Sample question: “Do you feel restless, irritable, moody, angry, anxious, bor...
QuizUp This one’s free, so while it’s a new game I started playing, at least I didn’t have to spend money on it. It’s just doing trivia against random people or your friends in a variety of categories. The game tracks your win rate versus each person, and you can level up ...
– a well known quiz game at the time. I wasn’t working in the games industry yet, but I was well into writing my Masters thesis on MMORPGs, if not completely finished. I was blogging about games here and I was a contributing writer on two other games blogs. I was giving lectures ...
I took your spirit animal quiz and got a dog but I feel that I am more than a dog, like a wolf (no offense). Maybe I am a wolf as my totem animal?? And a dog as my spirit animal?? Do I need to get out in nature more? Do I have to be more active? I have only seen ...