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When a light is directly incident on the shell, (for example under direct sunlight), and observed from the reflection direction, the This study clarifies some earli- er ideas about what causes the iri- descence color of shells. It is due to - diffraction caused by the reflection http:#e...
Q.1 is a local version of B.1.1.7 n. This lineage circulated and dominated before other lineages until the appearance of Delta in June 2021, which, one month later, accounted for 95% of all sequenced samples. The Delta lineage accounted for more than 90% of all virus lineage detections...
ic conRfeigpuroMrdaauticcoreondsicfnooprpmiocsittnhmteerroelroftecerkmeinncCgeTo[f3ism8t]rawugciettuhsr(PeFuaigbnuldisrfheue5nr)c'.stipoenrims iasisdioend.by the comparison of their dynamic clockwise and counterclockwise helical motions in Supplementary Video S2, with their anatomic configuration...
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Whilst the focus in this review is on the aforementioned agents, thrombocy- topenia is a well-recognised event associated with most chemotherapy regimens and must be borne in mind for any patients receiving chemotherapy. 3.1. Clinical Considerations for a Patient with Thrombocytopenia Receiving ...
Currently, detailed knowledge on thermal comfort behavior is needed for more ac- curate simulation in energy building modeling. The objective of this paper is to deepen understanding on thermal comfort and indoor environmental comfort inside homes per- forming remote work. It aims to understand human...