答案患者男性,45岁。特殊工种,炎热夏天在高温下工作数日,近日出现全身乏力,多汗,继而体温升高,有时可达40℃以上,并出现皮肤干热,无汗、谵妄和抽搐,脉搏加快,血压下降,呼吸浅速等表现,考虑可能是热射病(中枢高热)。采取物理降温时应暂停降温的肛温是 ...
Language just plays a big part of why I feel like I have to work that much harder to figure out my trip plans. It could be as simple as trying to get from the subway to a connected building. From experience, I know it’s not as simple as you think because English signage will oft...
I try to read as much online as possible, preventing paper waste (though I have to admit to still enjoying the New York Times in print — old eyes? old habits?) I save veggies, chicken bones, cheese rinds in the freezer until I make them all into stock. I started an organics collect...
It appears to me the posters know more about sour stomach than wisegeek. When something sous my stomach, usually veggies)the soda cure works. Byanon52817— On Nov 17, 2009 This is great info. I drank some baking soda, and and I burped for so long because I have been eating peanuts an...
I haven’t had a piece of meat or chicken in 4 weeks, pretty much stopped having dairy (an occasional pat of butter or weekend cone at Marvel but whose counting) and have been pounding veggies and fruits along with fish, good carbs and natural fats. However, I am not one to deprive ...
I did my normal morning routine-breakfast of hot tea, a banana with peanut butter and shredded coconut. The wheelbarrow of kale and raw veggies I had for lunch the day before started to feel like a bad idea. Let’s just say, I waited until the last minute to call an Uber. ...
knowing how many calories are in that Chik-fil-a or Subway sandwich is great; butdoes knowing calorie counts change the way we order and eat? The scientists have studied the trend and the results are mixed. Here’s a quote from National Public Radio on how posting calorie counts has helpe...
causing more than $72 billion in damage. The New York Stock Exchange was forced to close for two consecutive business days for the first time since 1888, and a 14-foot surge caused Manhattan's subway system tosustain its worst damage in 108 yearsbecause tunnels were flooded. More than 8.5...
The year 1944 marked the birth of the world’sfirst frozen dinners: Strato-Plates. Created by W.L. Maxson Co., the meal featured meat, a potato, and veggies “on a paperboard tray treated with Bakelite resin.” It allowed airlines and the Navy to serve crew and passengers a hot meal....