Unlike the four-cylinder K24, the 3.5-liter V6 uses a timing belt, requiring more frequent checks and replacements. It's also prone to more problems than the K24, including issues with the Variable Cylinder Management (VCM) system leaking oil and/or causing excessive oil consumption, as well...
BMW uses Castrol as their oil provider. FYI. ___ 11 328xiS Black Sapphire Met, ZMP, ZPP, ZVP, Xenon, SAT, NAV Go Bama, Roll Tide! Appreciate0 Quote 04-22-2008, 06:51 PM#12 dugedug Private 4 Rep 58 Posts Drives: '06
• COTTON ECO This program uses lower temperatures and less water over a longer time than the standard Cotton program. By using less energy over an extended period makes it more economical. • SPIN ONLY This program spins the load at the selected spin speed chosen. This setting can be ...
The is the crap ford is using 0W20! Obviously 10W60 is not MPG focused oil, the M division has a say here. But that is why I would consider using the boutique NON approved oils, as they are likely to be good for the engine and eat your cat over 50,000 miles. But many here ...
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