Legal offline and online gambling is a must in countries where the gambling industry is regulated. There is simply no other way for gambling clubs to operate. However, with each passing day, more and more online casinos are talking about having a license. To get such a document, it is pos...
As crime goes online, does it inherently undergo intrinsic changes, which require us to reevaluate the traditional way of regulating it? This question consists of two layers. The first is general: does cybercrime, in general, differ from offline traditional crime? This layer requires a complex ...
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Some other common examples of cybercrimes include the sale of illegal items, such as drugs, arms, or counterfeit goods, illegal gambling, solicitation, production, distribution, or possession of child pornography, etc. Lead the Cybersecurity Industry and Take Control of Cyber Crime Enroll in our...
The IRS plainly states that taxpayers must report “all income from any source," even income earned in another country, unless it is explicitly exempt under the U.S. Tax Code. This covers a wide range of miscellaneous income, including gambling winnings. According to the Cesarini decision, mo...
Some states have legalized sports betting while others have not. Some states have pending legislation to make sports betting legal. As of September 2024, sports betting is legal in 38 states.5 The Bottom Line Unless you are a professional gambler, gambling income is included as income on your...
Some commercial opportunities, however, remain off limits. Under Texas law, for example, athletes are not allowed to endorse "alcohol, tobacco products, e-cigarettes or any other type of nicotine delivery device, anabolic steroids,sports betting, casino gambling," and several other products and ser...