December 20, 2021 – Kathleen ofMy Lonesome Roads, American digital nomad:“I am living [in Croatia] for the winter while working online. Most events are still happening, like the Christmas markets, and shops/restaurants/bars are open at full capacity here in Split. There are almost no tour...
This effort culminated in 2020 with the pledge that every village in China would have access to asphalt roads by the end of the year. For the poor, this has reduced poverty by improving market access and has increased access to services and economic opportunities. Furthermore...
When you ask “what does the public sector of a smart city look like,” you should begin with “what does digital government look like?” You may not think of your interactions with government as digital, but advances in technology have unlocked the doors to state houses and city halls in...
Got my former battery terminal puller, now wheel and gear puller, back from the machine shop yesterday. Have already pulled the flywheel from the above Lionel Polar Express motor, soon to be repowering my Razorback Traction Bowser Birney (which has had a cracked gear replaced by a gear from ...
And as climate change has been tied to an increase in hurricane intensity, these impacts could continue to worsen. But when exactly does the Atlantic hurricane season of 2024 start, and how long does it last? And how do hurricanes form? What can people do to prepare in the face of the ...
there has been no gradual and linear progression from state absence to state presence, nor has the presence of the state been historically equated with peace. We analyze the process of state-building in the frontier municipality of Cartagena de Chairá between 1978 and 2016, by observing the re...
While you should avoid hitting the road during a snowstorm, sometimes it can't be avoided. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to drive during a storm, here are some crucial reminders from the Minnesota State Patrol.
What is the purpose of those black cables stretched across the roads of New York State? Could you get a ticket after driving over them?
With that,I’m off once again for my morning breakfast, courtesy of my lovely wife. After that, we’ll sit down together and enjoy our usual cup of hot cocoa, along with our regular chat. It’s a nice way to start the day, just the two of us, taking’ the time to catch up on...
How has the Coronavirus impacted the Philippines? The first case of the Coronavirus was confirmed in the Philippines January 30, 2020 and the country was placed under a State of Public Health Emergency on March 8, 2020. As a measure to limit the spread of the virus, lockdowns or community...