Becomes immune but the bad typing means it wont have easy time setting up, at least it hits quite hard even unboosted. - Its actually tough ranking it cuz regular Tyranitar is just better overall, but Mega Ttar is such a great DD sweeper, the extra speed means its not RKd by Duggy,...
So currently, the only ghost type that is available in rby is gengar. Sure it's a pretty decent pokemon due to it being able to wall normal attacks but it's low defense and poison typing still makes it susceptible to psychics and normals with earthquake. But what if gengar was not...
Having Gengar that is a Ghost/Poison-type added to this team list is good since it can learn a plethora of different move types. Let the Delta Venusaur cover the Psychic and Fairy offense while Gengar can cover other offensive aspects as well as debilitating moves Delta Ralts/Gallade The De...
You are missing the point that Latias is able to come into those attacks and actually force out the threat. Gengar is only sneaking in its immunities (which means you have to predict getting in and we all know how unreliable that is) or you are switching i...
There is nothing in the first 2 hours of the game that can do anything to overleveled Gengar. Once I'd earned all the badges in ORAS I traded over a battle ready self bred shiny team made up of all the new megas (and medicham..I love mega medicham). Obviously there was no ...
Colossoil really has no concrete counter, but the term "counter" is thrown around so loosely nowadays, and people think that having no counters instantly puts it in the Uber position. However, when comparing it to a Pokémon like Gengar who also has no concret...
Basically it gives good typing for the team with a water stab which is nice for countering Heatran. Tailwind can be good as it allows Pelipper to out speed stuff like base 110 and 111 once set, allowing it to put pressure on things like mega Diancie, sash Gengar and Terrakion as exampl...