Having Gengar that is a Ghost/Poison-type added to this team list is good since it can learn a plethora of different move types. Let the Delta Venusaur cover the Psychic and Fairy offense while Gengar can cover other offensive aspects as well as debilitating moves Delta Ralts/Gallade The De...
The reason I was being harsh on a lot of Pokemon is because of the above. Garchomp for instance is another Ground-Type with a better typing than Hippowdon, better stats, and the only advantage it has is that Gabite takes longer to fully evolve (basically about Victory Road), whi...
I say making Poison resist and be super effective towards dragon is sorta weird. Kinda wish poison attacks weren't based on natural poisons so we can put that Poison beat Steel types to the test. Also...can we give Dragon in terms of typing a chance? Everyone seen afraid of it and ...
Now almost every wall in the game gets ohko'd bar skarmory and bronzong, and everything faster than it bar the few fast rock types/gengar still get ohko'd. Victini: It gets swords dance, extremespeed and leaf blade to go with v-create. Probably the only counter is heatran, but ...
My favourite playthrough I've ever done is when I got all five Dream Radar ubers at level 5 and used them along with Serperior for my Black 2 Challenge Mode playthrough. (I chose Serperior because it didn't share a typing with the gen 4 mascots and because it's the only one that ...
There is nothing in the first 2 hours of the game that can do anything to overleveled Gengar. Once I'd earned all the badges in ORAS I traded over a battle ready self bred shiny team made up of all the new megas (and medicham..I love mega medicham). Obviously there was no ...