Threetypes: GENETICSPECIESECOSYSTEMDIVERSITY •GENETICDIVERSITYcorrespondstothevarietyofgenes(thegenome) presentinthemembersofaspecies,asvisibleinsize,shapeandcolour, butalsobyinvisibledifferences,likeenzymescapableofmetabolising specificsubstances.Genescontainedinplants,animals,fungiandmicro- organisms.Itoccurswithin...
Biomes are a way to divide the Earth's surface. These divisions are based on climate patterns, soil types, and the animals and plants that inhabit an area. There are biomes on dry land and in water. Every inch of the Earth's surface is a part of one or more biomes. There are a...
Most life is comfortable at a near-neutral pH -- stray too far from pH 7.0, and delicate organisms begin to die. Plankton and invertebrates are sensitive to changes in acidity and die first. At pH 5.0, fish eggs degrade and young cannot develop. Adult fish and frogs can sometimes tolerate...
What is polluting our beaches?Focuses on the different forms of beach pollution. Contamination of beach waters and estuaries; Lack of monitoring of pathogenic activity; Principal types of pathogenic organisms; Increase in the blooms of algae and phytoplankton.Brancatelli...
And these fish can grow up to 3 kg live body weight. Habitat Hilsa fish are primarily found in the estuaries and coastal waters of the Indian subcontinent. They are mostly found in rivers, deltas, and the Bay of Bengal. Hilsa fish migrate upstream to freshwater rivers during the monsoon ...
Aquatic ecosystems are composed of a community of living organisms and non-living matter living in (or near) a body of water. Learn about the definition and characteristics of aquatic ecosystems, and discover different types of aquatic ecosystems. Related...
land organisms also consume water organisms. There tends to be a greater diversity of organisms where the two meet. Higher levels of phytoplankton, likely due to greater availability of nutrients and longer "residence" time have been found in marsh systems than in nearby coastal estuaries. Measurem...
Based on EU Reg 853/2004, live bivalve molluscs means filter-feeding lamellibranch molluscs. The species of molluscs considered were only those that act as bio accumulator, since they can concentrate different types of pathogens in their tissues due to their filtering capacity [84,85]. These in...
Aquatic ecosystems are composed of a community of living organisms and non-living matter living in (or near) a body of water. Learn about the definition and characteristics of aquatic ecosystems, and discover different types of aquatic ecosystems. Related...