SITUATION : Whilst working in a previous role, I noticed a work colleague was making numerous foolish mistakes with their work. They appeared unfazed by their mistakes and I was concerned they would start to have a negative impact on the team if I left unchecked. TASK : As their co-worker...
"Hello dear," Lightwrought said, completely unfazed by his entrance or the fact that he had almost slid right into the couch that she lounged on. "Have a good day at the office?" "Oh, it was fairly uneventful," Winterspell replied, the corners of his mouth curling. "Other than having...
Endless legal wrangling. Files and forms and statements and subpoenas and records. Reams of them. Anxiously awaiting court dates just to learn there is going to be yet another continuance. The judicial system is equally unfazed; probation violations, violating restraining orders, wildly inappropriate ...
while the rude stomp around like Godzilla with P.M.S. And then, once an agent who has been smashed into by one Godzilla too many complains on a blog or in an interview about how impolite writers are, the naturally courteous cringe, while the rude ...
yet many on the new right seem increasingly unfazed by accusations that they’re white nationalists or racists. masters in particular seems willing to goad commentators, believing that the ensuing arguments will redound to his political advantage: “good luck [hitting] me with that,” mas...