The verbentrenar(pronounced ayn-tray-NAHR) means to train and it is a verb that can be used reflexively and in a non-reflexive way. When we use it... Learn more about this topic: Spanish Reflexive Verbs: Uses & Conjugation from
: a verb that takes an object. 71. Law. to acquire (property), as on the happening of a particular event. 72. (of a baseball batter) to allow (a pitch) to go by without swinging at it. v.i. 73. to catch or engage, as a mechanical device. 74. to strike root or ...
What is a scenario of generativity vs. stagnation? What is social commentary and motif? What is the imperfect conjugation of jugar? What are the four main sources of errors in survey research? What is Kurtosis? Explain what is 'Thin Skull Rule' in the law of tort. ...