The signs and symptoms will depend on the type of stroke you had and where it occurred:Loss of consciousness Loss of vision in one or both eyes Vomiting or a severe headache Sudden weakness or paralysis in your arm, leg, or face Sudden trouble walking, speaking, or understanding words you...
The remaining 13 percent of strokes are hemorrhagic strokes, when a blood vessel leaks blood or ruptures, causing bleeding in the brain. People with this type of stroke often report the "worst headache of their lives," with loss of vision, vomiting and nausea. The doctors noted that hemorrha...
Earlier in the pandemic, many people who came down with COVID-19 reported a loss of the sense of smell, known as anosmia, and of taste, which is highly dependent on smell. "One of the more common causes of smell loss is a virus, including other coronaviruses that cause the common col...
Care guide for Stroke in Children. Includes: possible causes, signs and symptoms, standard treatment options and means of care and support.
While migraines are the most common cause of kaleidoscope vision, the visual disturbance could be caused by more serious health conditions, such as a stroke or brain damage. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical care right away. How Anxiety Is Related In addition to migraines, the Anxiety...
Strokeor cerebral infarction(cerebral=brain + infarction=loss of blood supply) describes the condition where the blood supply to part of the brain is lost, and the brain stops functioning. There are numerous reasons for blood supply to decrease. There may be a gradual narrowing of an artery to...
What Causes a Stroke? 33 related questions found What happens right before a stroke? Signs and Symptoms of a Stroke Sudden weakness or numbness on one side of your faceor in one arm or leg. Loss of vision, strength, coordination, sensation, or speech, or trouble understanding speech. These...
T (Time) –Every minute matters.Call 911if you notice any of the first three signs. Eye stroke Aneye strokehappens when an artery in your eye becomes blocked. It usually causes sudden blurred vision or vision loss in one eye. This can affect part or all of your vision on that side. ...
Neurological disorders are diseases that affect an individual's brain or cognition. Review a list of common problems such as dementia, epilepsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's, and dangerous infections, then explore descriptions of each type of disease. ...
Stroke (bleeding in the brain) can cause syncope associated with headache. Transient ischemic attack (TIA or mini-stroke) can cause fainting, usually preceded by double vision, loss of balance, slurred speech, or vertigo (a spinning sensation). Migraines can cause fainting on rare occasions. Psy...