Despitecarefulnessandhighresponsibilityatwork,sheisjustlikeherpeersinnormallife. Eatingsnacksandshoppingareherfavoritefree-timeactivities.Herhighschoolteacherremembers herastoughanddetermined.“Shealwayshadadreamofbecomingascientist,”saidherphysics teacher. Accordingtohercolleague,ZhouChengyuwasverysurprisedwhenshefound...
Who was the scientist who first observed cells in cork through a microscope? What is found in plant cells but not in animal cells? Who was the first scientist to view cells under a microscope? Nucleus, the genetic material containing rounded body in each cell, was first discovered by which ...
What type of scientist studies environmental chemistry? What is plant science called? What is conservation in archaeology? What are the limitations of historical sciences? What is environmental Earth system science? What is a ruler used for in science?
What type of scientist studies environmental chemistry? What are occupational health sciences? What kind of science is neuroscience? What is molecular neuroscience? What do paleontologists study? If 'ology' is the study of and 'graphy' refers to the written, what is 'Astronomy'? Would astrophysics...
Studycoauthorand HarvardUniversityscientist ProfessorDavidKeitharguedthat,whenitcomes toenergy production,thereis no freelunch. “Windbeatscoalbyanyenvironmentalmeasure, butthatdoesn?tmeanthatitseffectscanbeignored.Wemustusefewerfossilfuelstostopcarbon production.In doing so,we must make choicesbetweenvariouslo...
The we'll look at the short-term memory found in the Venus fly trap, and the long term morphogenic memory first described 50 years ago by the Czech scientist Rudolf Dostal. We'll have a guest lecture from Prof. Nir Ohad about epigenetics and the long-term memory of winter, and even ...
As a part of history, bamboo is very important. The great scientist Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb (灯泡), but he made it perfect. He wanted the material inside to burn for a long period of time. He tried over 1000 different types of materials. 5 One day, he tried to...
Discovered in 1665 by Robert Hooke, an English scientist, and architect, a cell may be described as the functional basic unit of life. As such, it's the smallest unit of life described as a living thing. Given that the majority of plants and animals aremulticellular organisms, they contain...
(ANU) materials scientist and potter Tony Flynn, allows water filters to be made from commonly available materials and fired (or baked) using cow manure as the source of heat, without the need for a kiln (an oven for baking or drying pottery). The filters have been tested and shown to ...
In the lab, the researchers first take cells from the leaves of a young plant. These cells are cultured in liquid medium for two days, then moved to another medium which contains nutrients and two different hormones (激素). By adjusting the horm...