Above all else, AI is an idea—an ideal—shaped by worldviews and sci-fi tropes as much as by math and computer science. Figuring out what we are talking about when we talk about AI will clarify many things. We won’t agree on them, but common ground on what AIiswould be a great ...
CTE is associated with a buildup of tau proteins (orange) in the brain that can be seen in postmortem analyses. (Image credit: JUAN GAERTNER/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY via Getty Images) What are the symptoms of CTE? Early symptoms associated with CTE can appear in people's 20s, according to ...
AI is a branch of computer science that uses computational models to perform tasks that previously required human intelligence.
An electroencephalogram (EEG)uses sensors placed on subject's scalp to track changes in brain activity. It is useful for tracking brain activity quickly, in fractions of a second. And while an EEG is less precise than an fMRI, it is generally less expensive. FMRIs cost millions of dollars,...
Severance, which imagines a world where a person’s work and personal lives are surgically separated, will soon return to Apple TV+ for a second season. While the concept of this gripping piece of science fiction is far-fetched, it touches on some interesting neuroscience. Can a person’s ...
Top places likeMIT,Stanford, andOpenAIare leading the way, with insights from fields like cognitive science,neuroscience, androboticshelping to close the gap between today’s narrow AI and the adaptable intelligence strong AI aims to achieve. ...
Gender inequality in science is often attributed to the fact that senior academics are more likely to be male, because historically science was male-dominated: it's argued that as time goes on and more women rise to senior roles, the field will become more equal. Yet this study showed that...
What is an axon? What is chemical neuroscience? What is the hippocampus? What is dopamine used for as a medication? What is computational neuroscience? What is MS in neurology? What kind of science is neuroscience? What is autonomic hyperactivity?
A company called Synchron has one that’s inserted into the brain through a blood vessel, which it’s also testing in human trials of brain control over computers. Other companies, including Paradromics, Precision Neuroscience, and BlackRock Neurotech, are also developing advanced brain-computer ...
Paty DWLi DKBUBC MS/MRI Study Group, IFNB Multiple Sclerosis Study Group, Interferon beta-1b is effective in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, II: MRI analysis results of a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Neurology. 1993;43662- 667Google ScholarCrossref 52...