What element was used in Chernobyl? What cities were evacuated after Cthe Chernobyl disaster? What are the future plans for Chernobyl? What caused the Aberfan disaster? What kind of nuclear reactor was Chernobyl? What caused the leakage in the Bhopal disaster?
What kind of nuclear reactor was Chernobyl? What influenced the Industrial Revolution? What did Massachusetts do during Shays' Rebellion? What was the Hartford Convention? Which U.S. colony was located between the two parts of Massachusetts?
The little reactor that could? As the United States and other nations consider their next steps in nuclear energy, a new movement to support small modular ... in the Guardian on Hyperion's safety and nonproliferation features: "You could never have a Chernobyl-type event; there are no moving...
The disaster at the Chernobyl(former USSR前苏联) power station happened quickly and without warning. It was in the early hours of April 26, 1986 when the cooling system of the reactor(反应堆) failed. Minutes later, a violent (猛烈地) explosion blew the top off the reactor and blasted(爆炸...
JIM LAWLER: Yes, I think very little scientific evidence that polygraph tests are in fact measures of veracity or deception. They're stress detectors. And if you are a low reactor like I am, when I'm taking a polygraph test, they barely can tell that I'm even alive. They'...
Nuclear energy is a good candidate, but it has some real challenges due to the disposal of nuclear waste and reactor meltdowns. The nuclear disasters at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima have caused many governments to phase out nuclear energy and introduce renewable energy sources. ...
(3)D.词义猜测题.根据第七段"For example, Chernobyl, in the Ukraine, is one of the most popular dark destinations. When its nuclear reactor (核反应堆) exploded in 1984, it released a radioactive (放射性的) cloud so devastating that the surrounding area will remain uninhabitable (不适宜居...
Chernobyl is a name synonymous with catastrophe. On April 26, 1986, a reactor at the Chernobyl Power Complex, a boiling water nuclear power plant located in northern Ukraine, exploded during a maintenance test, blanketing its surroundings in a cloud of radioactive material. The consequences were ...
Nuclear power has been very unpopular in Germany since the Chernobyl (切尔诺贝利) nuclear reactor disaster in Ukraine (乌克兰) in 1986. Since then, the country has been working on developing new resources of energy.The plan to give up nuclear power will cost the country at least 150 billion...
The widespread use of modular assembly, Miller explained, is a big change from how nuclear plants were assembled 30 years ago, when the last reactor was built in the United States. So- called Generation III designs include the ESBWR (Economic Simplified Boiling-Water Reactor) from GE-Hitachi,...