What is another word for electromagnetic radiation? Do humans emit electromagnetic radiation? What is the term for energy emitted as electromagnetic waves? What are the uses of electromagnetic radiation? What carries the energy in electromagnetic radiation?
What single energy source do most energy alternatives depend on, either directly or indirectly? How is energy transferred from the sun to the Earth? What type of radiation does the sun produce? What produces all light energy? Which alternative energy source is exhaustible?
Radioactive decay is a random process, meaning that it is physically impossible to predict whether or not a given atomic nucleus will decay and emit radiation at any given moment. Instead, it is quantified by half-life, which is the period of time it takes for half of a given sample of...
To expose to radiation of any kind, especially ionizing radiation; as, to sterilize food by irradiating it with gamma rays; one can cause mutations in bacteria by irradiating them with ultraviolet light. Radiate (ecology, intransitive) to spread into new habitats, migrate. Irradiate To emit rays...
Upon release, it reacts with atmospheric water and oxygen to form sulfate aerosols, contributing to acid rain and respiratory problems in humans. These aerosols also have a cooling effect on the Earth's climate by reflecting solar radiation back into space. Volcanoes ...
Because they are radioactive, radon and radon progeny emit alpha particles, a high-energy radiation that damages DNA in human cells and causes lung cancer. When radon is inhaled, particles become lodged in the lungs where they continue to emit alpha particles. ...
In many countries, humans are protected from harmful RF EMF exposure by safety standards that are based on guidelines by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). The ICNIRP guidelines are based on knowledge of how RF EMF affects the human body, however, there ...
Gas sensorsGas sensors are used by industries and in homes, monitoring the presence of specific gasses that could indicate a change in air quality. Infrared sensorsInfrared sensors work by measuring the heat emitted in their area and can detect or emit infrared radiation. ...
Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation More known about radiation effects than effects from any other potentially toxic substance -- more than chemicals First recognized in 1897 -- two years after the discovery of x rays Sources of Information Molecules and Cells Animals Humans (Epidemiological Studies)...
Matter—the visible kind, that is—interacts with the universe in many ways. It absorbs and, in many cases, emits electromagnetic radiation in the form of gamma rays, visible light, infrared, and more. It can generate magnetic fields of various sorts and strengths. Matter has mass, creating...