These types of polyps are not cancer, but they are pre-cancerous (meaning that they can turn into cancers). Someone who has had one of these types of polyps has anincreased risk of later developing cancer of thecolon. Most patients with these polyps, however, never develop colon cancer. ...
These small clumps of tissue that show up where they’re not supposed to can be anything from a minor nuisance to a possible sign of cancer. WebMD explains what you need to know about polyps.
naga - It isn't a fun process, but it's absolutely vital. If you can manage to get the check-up paid for by your insurance, that's even better. They ought to do it, because getting precancerous colon polyps removed is much cheaper than paying out on someone who develops cancer....
Cigarette smoke is a major risk factor for which type of cancer? Cancer cells in the liver in someone with metastatic cancer of the colon are described as: a. liver cancer. b. colon cancer. c. colon and liver cancer. d. lymph cancer. ...
Nasal polyps usually grow in the shape of a teardrop. Most of them are noncancerous, and doctors can usually tell these apart from cancer, though more extensive testing may be necessary. If they're small, you don’t need to have nasal polyps treated. They may grow larger, however, and...
Gallbladder polyps are classified as benign or malignant. Benign means the polyp is noncancerous or not harmful on its own. Malignant means it is cancerous. There are several types of gallbladder polyps. Cholesterolosis and pseudopolyps.Pseudopolyps are the most common type of gallbladder ...
Answer to: Colorectal cancer often develops from polyps in the intestinal lining. What is a polyp, and why might a polyp become cancerous? By...
What kind of polyps turn cancerous? Neoplastic polyps includeadenomas and serrated types. These polyps have the potential to become cancer if given enough time to grow. Most of these colon polyps are called adenomas. Serrated polyps may also become cancerous, depending on their size and location...
A polypoid lesion is a tumor that may or may not have a stalk and is located within the colon of the intestines.A polypoid lesion may be either non-neoplastic, or benign, or it may be adenomatous, or cancerous. Polypoid lesions within the colon are only diagnosed through a colonoscopy, ...
There are cases where it strikes quickly but it is more common when cancerous tumors manifest after years of specific habits. Good examples of this are smoking, exposure to radiation (i.e. from cell phones), and overexposure to ultraviolet rays, which result in lung cancer, brain cancer, an...