Pikachu is an Electric type Pokémonand Magikarp is a Water type. There are some Pokémon who belong to two types, such as Jigglypuff, who is both Normal and Fairy. Each type has special affinities that have a big effect on battles. If your opponent's Pokémon has the right type of affi...
One of the things that we like about this is how organized it is. Nests are places where you can usually find the same type of Pokemon for about two weeks. This means that it not only has confirmed Pokémon GO Nest locations but it also has a separate list of rumored Nest spawns. ...
The HM Cut is a must-move for every Pokemon player, and it brings an enormous help not only in cutting down blocking trees but also during a battle. Plenty of Pokemon can learn cut and not just the grass type Pokemon. If you believe I miss important information in this post, please le...
trying to find really rare Pokemon (Chansey;;;) that you really wouldn't use otherwise. You can run into problems if your entire team is after Gym 1 (just reroll) or if your only members prior to the first gym can't beat it (I remember soloing Brock with a Pidgey...fun times)....