How can you tell if a molecule is a carbohydrate? Carbohydrates and fats both do what? Carbohydrates provide the body with what? What is the principle carbohydrate of milk? What are the different types of carbohydrates? What are the subunits called that make up carbohydrates?
What is the most common monosaccharide? What is the chemical formula? Why is this monosaccharide so important to our daily functioning (what is its role in the formation of what energy molecule)? Which of the following molecules is not a polysaccharide? a. Starch b. cellulos...
Most glycogen is found in the muscles and the liver. The amount of glycogen stored in these cells can vary depending on how active you are,how much energy you burn at rest, and the types of food you eat. Glycogen stored in muscle is primarily used by the muscles themselves, while those...
Glycogen is a polysaccharide molecule stored together with water in animal cells. It's primarily used as a source of energy, and...
So what does sugar have to do with glycolysis? Sugar is an extremely generalized name for glucose, the type of molecule that's required to start the glycolysis pathway. The Stages in Glycolysis Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student I ...
Is dextrose sugar? And is dextrose bad for you? Read on to find out all about dextrose. What is dextrose? Dextrose is what’s known as a simple sugar. Chemically speaking it only has one molecule (what’s known as a monosaccharide) – meaning it’s incredibly easy for the body to ...
What type of molecule is an eicosanoid? a. Lipid b. Carbohydrate c. Nucleic acid d. Protein How are the following absorbed? a) Carbohydrates b) Proteins c) Lipids Hormones are classified as either lipid-soluble or lipid insoluble. Name examples of each. Lipids which are used to store e...
Correction Factor: The 1800 Rule For Determining Your Correction Factor shows how far your blood sugar is likely to drop per unit of short-acting insulin The Protein Data Bank has a 3-D graphical view of an insulin molecule. Severe insulin resistance secondary to insulin antibodies: successful ...
What type of molecule is shown below: lipid, nucleic acid, carbohydrate, or protein? image Which molecule is INCORRECTLY matched with its component part? A) fat: fatty acid. B) starch: glycerol. C) protein: amino acid. D) glycogen: glucose. E) nucleic acids: ...
What are the components of carbohydrates and proteins? What type of biological macromolecule is glucose? What is glycogen in biology? How is glucose a molecule and not a compound? What molecules are produced by autotrophs? What are __chemically modified carbohydrates__? Give a detailed explanatio...