How is chronic bronchitis treated? Medicinesmay open your airways, decrease swelling and inflammation in your lungs, or treat an infection. A short-acting medicine relieves symptoms quickly. Long-acting medicines will control or prevent symptoms. Ask your provider how to use your medicines safely. ...
How is thrombocytopenia diagnosed? Your healthcare provider will ask if you take any medicine or supplements. Tell him or her if you have other health conditions. You may need blood tests to count your platelets or time how fast your blood clots. ...
Is insulin an example of endocrine signaling? Which enzymes are secreted only by the pancreas? What is the main sugar used by cells for energy? What do plants do with extra glucose? How do drugs (medicine) affect the normal function of the cell? What do ketone bodies tell scientists about...
Which of the below statements is true about the man after prostate removal? a. Fluid from the bulbourethral glands will not be added to the ejaculate because it is only released after the input of fluid What are the two major clinical phases in cancer medicine: diag...
1. The FDA does NOT regulate the practice of medicine. So, just because the FDA does not “approve” something, does not mean it hasn’t been proven to be safe and effective. For example, re-setting and casting a fractured arm is NOT FDA approved. Why? Because it falls into the prac...
In the latter, these types of tumors are usually malignant. [2,4] It can also be caused by certain cortisone-related drugs, like prednisone and prednisolone. These types of medications are typically used to treat such autoimmune diseases as chronic asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and ...
Prednisone, methotrexate, endocort - basically any auto immune treatment type medicine is known for making the bowel flimsy and easily susceptible to perforation. When taken in large doses over long periods of time (ie several months) the damage these drugs do is irreversible - prednisone led to...
The peak value is reached 12 hours after taking the medicine. t1/2 is 19.4h. Clinical Application[2] Elastase is clinically used for hyperlipidemia and has a better effect on type II and IV hyperlipidemia, but its overall blood lipid-lowering effect is slightly worse than fenofibrate. Prevent...
Lupkynis (voclosporin) is an immunosuppressant used with otherdrugslike steroids to treat lupus while protecting some kidney cells.Lupkynis should not be taken with a medicine termed cyclophosphamide(see above). Controversial treatments for lupus nephritis ...
Glucocorticoids likeprednisone Mineralocorticoids likefludrocortisone Anti-infectives (such as amphotericin and high-dose penicillin) Symptoms of hyperkalemia (high potassium levels) If your potassium level is too high or too low, you may not know it. Your doctor may order a blood test to check ...